Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tissue paper tree ornaments and a favourite Christmas fingerplay

I am winding down Christmas arts with my children at the daycare, but here is one last post from my early childhood blog. 

Tissue paper tree ornaments and a favourite Christmas fingerplay:

I borrowed this wonderful craft from Melissa, at The Chocolate Muffin Tree.

The process is really enjoyable for young children. We created many balls from newspaper and masking tape, and used paper clips for the hooks.

The next step, was abit challenging for my 2 year olds. It involves painting a layer of Modge Podge , onto the newspaper, adding squares of tissue paper, and then adding another layer of Modge Podge. Melissa also used glitter, to complete the ornament.

My 2 year old children found it abit difficult to hold onto the balls when they were sticky, and as well ended up with tissue paper stuck to their fingers, and some also had Modge Podge in their hair. : )

Nevertheless we persevered, and although the finished product wasn't "perfect", they are still beautiful.

We still have alot of newspaper balls, so tomorrow, I plan to present this idea to the 4 year olds I work with in the early afternoon, while my 2 year olds are napping. I'm sure they will also enjoy this craft.

Many thanks to Melissa for this wonderful idea. I know I'll use this idea in other ways at other times. Melissa and her daughter have been so busy this month, with many inspiring ideas.

There are just so many wonderful ideas, stories, and songs to do with our children, over the holiday season; and it isn't possible to do everything.

But there is always the next year!

Here is a favourite flannel board fingerplay, I bring out every year.I adapted it from the book, Resources for Creative Teaching in Early Childhood Education, by Bonnie Mack Fleming, et al (1969)(p. 304).

Here's the childrens' Christmas tree, standing straight and tall, with a pot to keep it in so it will not fall.

Add two silver bells,
A candycane,

Three gingerbread men,
And a star for the top you see!

My young children never tire of hearing the same simple fingerplays and stories, over and over again. This is often out for them to use in their own way as well.

Wishing you very Happy Holidays, and a time of peace and joy for you and your family.


Teri said...

That tree is so adorable Brenda. The way you use it is fun and teachable. Imreallymlike this idea.
I can just see the kids making those balls. You must have the patience of a saint. Will they take the, home? I still have ornaments that my kids made in school and they get more special every year.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Really it was a hoot making these Christmas balls with the children.
I will send them home definitely.
I agree, that handmade ornaments by loved ones are the very best!