Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Hanukkah!

I enjoy celebrating Hanukkah, with my young children at the daycare center where I work.
 I often introduce the holiday by reading a childrens book, I Have a Little Dreidal.

My children were very attentive  to this story, and were excited to play with the small wooden dreidal which came with the book.
I set up a small center with the dreidal and used the timer for awhile to make sure all the children who wanted a turn would be able to get one.

Here is a lovely version of the Hebrew song, Hineh Ma Tov. This song is not  a traditional Hanukkah song; it is sung as part of Shabbat. However I think that it so beautiful, I thought it would be good to use. Hineh Ma Tov can be translated as, "How good it is for brothers and sisters to live together in unity." This video is part of Matthew Vaughan's, You Tube project Rise Up Singing. I think you will enjoy listening to this!

Oh, by the way here is an update on my scarf project. I wanted to crochet a scarf for each of the children in my small group of children - seven scarves.This would be my Christmas present to them. I'm still working - I'm not a fast crocheter, and although I used a very simple plan, I started over a few times before getting something I liked.

But, I do like making handmade gifts, and working right up to the very day, has often been abit of a tradition for me.

 I have 1 and 1/2 scarves to go, and won't be done by tomorrow. However if I get them into the child's locker next week, it should be ok. Some children have started their holidays and won't be at the center tomorrow.

I found that the kind of yarn makes a difference in how the crocheting goes, and some I enjoyed using more than others. I also thought of a few other projects I might like to work on.


Geraldine said...

what a nice idea about the scarves. I'm sure the kids are going to enjoy this. when I use to give a lot of gifts at christmas, I often made a lot of different things and they were always so well received. sewing, knitting, crochet...scarves are just such a good pick in so many ways, easy to make, the warmth factor, the colors...lovely idea Brenda.

Are you still blogging at your other blog? I note that the posts here are focusing on your work life more these days. just wondering. I had hoped you'd be writing here as you had originally mentioned. and of course, we'd love to see more feline posts (me and the Ched that is).

Have a wonderful Christmas Brenda and all the best in 2012. G :<)

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Geraldine,
Thanks for dropping by!
This month I found myself writing one post and sharing it on both my blogs, but I think I'll get back to trying some creative writing, etc. here, and keep my early childhood posts over at the other one.
Merry Christmas!
Headbonks from H and A!

Anonymous said...

You are such a caring person, Brenda. I am sure your scarves will be much loved. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Teri said...

I love the fact that you make scarves for the kids. I know they will treasure them. I love hearing about the things you do with them and really, anything that you write about is interesting.

Merry Christmas Brenda

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Thanks each of you for dropping by. Your kind and friendly comments are appreciated - I love that blogging has allowed me to meet wonderful people like you.
Merry Christmas!

The Boston Lady said...

Brenda, I grew up amongst Jewish friends and so enjoyed hearing about how they celebrate this time of year. I love that your kiddies will know all about the different celebrations. And how lucky they are to get handmade scarves from their teacher! You are sweet! Ann

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Ann,
Thanks for dropping by!
There is just so much richness in our world, isn't there?
And I think that we can make small differences by sharing and celebrating, with young children, all this beauty and diversity.
It's always so nuce to hear from you!