Friday, November 4, 2011

Herbert and Arthur - Two Pretty Terrific Felines

Herbert and Arthur have a good friend, Mr. Chedder aka The Fearless Bug Warrior. Mr. Ched visited us here at Mullin Avenue, requesting  more pictures of felines. The Ched had the novel idea that Herbert and Arthur might take pictures while I was at work. At this point H and A are unable to take pictures - so the three of us got together and came up with a few.

Chedster we hope you find these interesting - sending you headbonks, and love!

Herbert and Arthur are two very different guys. Herbert has always been laid back, and a real sweetheart. He likes everyone it seems. When he was abit younger he liked to jump up onto my shoulder. He is always ready to snuggle up and purr.

He's a beautiful ginger colour, and very pretty - but could be mistaken for being pretty tough!

Arthur is our younger cat - he's very busy and smart. Arthur knows how to find his own fun, and never seems bored.

Arthur has developed a number of ways to play - carrying small plastic balls and launching them forward, and then chasing them.He will also play a game of catch with me now and then.

Arthur's preferred way to drink water is by drinking from the running tap. When I turn on the tap, he is always ready to come take a drink.

Arthur has a beautiful mane at certain times of the year. Interestingly he sheds his mane when winter starts, and grows it back in the spring. He has his own way of doing things! You might notice that he is without his lovely, fluffy and exotic mane in this picture.

 I love these two wonderful felines.They are two terrific guys!


Teri said...

Chedster was right, we needed to see more of Herbert and Arthur. Arthur looks like he is a lot of fun while Herbert is the steadfast one.
I laughed at the faucet because Sunshine does the same thing. As soon as she hears the water running she flies out and takes a drink and sometimes even a shower.
Verynfunpost Brenda

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

I just love Sunshine!
She just is such a fun loving bird...alot like Arthur I think.

Thanks for the compliment!
Yes, I think you really have summed them up right!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Geraldine said...

Oh how cute is this! I love all the photos. Arthur reminds me of our dear Lois, she also had a "ruff" of lighter colored fur around her neck that was more pronounced at certain times of year. And she also loved drinking from the tap. I will let Ched know these are up for perusal.

Keep 'em coming! :<)

Mr. Cheddar said...

Pretty Terrific Felines indeedy! You guy look like you are having a good time there. I hope B comes through with the Taste of the Wild. We deserve the best, don't we? Meowmie was at the pet store yesterday and the staff there were enjoying my literary talents, reading my reviews and snickering at times, so Meowmie said. Pray tell, why would they snicker about my reviews???? I digress...

Keep up the good work there and do practise working that camera, ya never know, you might master it, just like we master those humanoids snoooooooooooooooooort.

The Ched
Fearless Bug Warrior and Celebrity Blogger

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Geraldine,
That's just so interesting about Lois (a pretty name btw)
I think Arthur's ruff does come and go abit more than once a year too. I like the tawny colour, and thought he might have some Himalayan in him. He also has a hook in his tail, making his tail quite short.
Do you have pictures of Lois, I'd love to see some.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, there Ched,
We love your reviews, keep them coming. We especially liked your very interesting interview over at "Rumpy (d-o-g)"

Ha!! good one about the humans!
Cheers, and double headbonks, old man!!
H and A

Anonymous said...

I was going to say they were lively, that is until I saw the bottom shot. What characters!

The Boston Lady said...

They are both handsome felines Brenda. I've always wanted a "Ginger" cat and H sounds like the perfect one to me. But then I get distracted by Arthur's lovely coat and his unique drinking habits. No contest - they both are gorgeous and look they have a very good life with you! Ann

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

thanks for reading here!
They are characters, and make my life pretty interesting at times.
As winter, and snow arrives they tend to hunker down, and spend more time curled up sleeping, even though they are inside cats, and never go outdoors.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Ann,
Thanks for dropping in!
It was good to hear the flea market went well!
I wonder what Bumby would think of Herbert and Arthur? :)
(I think they'd love the Bostons, as they both actually like dogs.)

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Chedster,
This is Herbert here, I thought I'd let you know it was the young guy, Arthur who called you "Old Man". He thinks anyfeline over 3 is old...I'm 11 and just entering my prime. And you look much younger than me. Don't let the young guy's comment get you down!