Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering September 11, 2001

I was riding on the bus, that Tuesday morning, on my way to work. As I was sitting in my seat going over my plans for the day,  I became aware of the radio and the announcer saying that the air space over the United States had been closed. The bus was empty, and I went up to listen at the front seat. I asked the bus driver if he knew what was happening. He looked back at me, and said an airplane flew into the World Trade Center. We both listened quietly, and there were no words for us to express the shock we were feeling.

I went into work, and asked my employer if she'd heard the recent news, and she had as well. Everyone went about their work quietly that day, with a sense of shock and disbelief, careful to keep this from the children at the daycare for the moment.

One of our families called us, to report that their children's grandmother who worked at the World Trade Center, had contacted them to let them know she was okay. She'd been late that morning and hadn't been in the building when the planes crashed into the building. This seemed a miracle to us.

I went home, and watched the news, and for the next two weeks I found myself needing to watch the news whenever possible. Living in Canada I had always felt connected to the happenings in the United States, and this was such a shock and heartbreak for me.

As I always remember what I was doing when I learned of the assassination of President John Kennedy (having lunch with my family as a young child, we were having tomato soup) - I will always remember  September 11, 2001. What happened that day was an unspeakable tragedy. It also changed our world . We were never the same.


Teri said...

Amen Changed forever. I also remember both of those day like it was yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Stange isn't it? I can remember all the details of both those days, too. I was home for 9-11, so watched the coverage all day.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Teri, and Sandy,
Yes, these were both very significant days, as well as so terrible.