Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'll be offline for awhile

Just to say hello to friends,
My computer caught a "bug", and it may take awhile to get back up and running. I'm taking LOTS of pictures, and will be back with some new photos, and thoughts soon!


Teri said...

Oh dear, not good. Hope your computer recovers real soon. We will miss you.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Thanks Teri, I'm lucky I can still check in abit on our staff computer at work. I was abit shocked to find my computer was dysfunctional the other morning - "corrupted", but a few people I've talked to have had a similar experience, and it can be fixed,I'm HOPING.

Meanwhile, I'm reading more, and enjoying the nice weather. :)

Teri said...

Hey, I am missing you. Tell your computer to hurry and get well.


Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Thanks Teri!

Geraldine said...

Hope all is well Brenda. How goes the computer? I've been there a couple of times, not fun. Hope it's clear sailing soon.

Have a wonderful Thursday, G

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Geraldine, Thanks for checking in here with me.
I haven't had a chance to have work done yet on my computer, will need to wait abit, as I think it will cost more than I can afford right now. It is disappointing isn't it, but I understand it might be easily cleaned.

I'm fortunate to get to use our staff computer, but I can't post pictures, or any fun stuff.

Hope all is well with you.

Teri said...

Just stopped in to say hi and hope all is well. Miss you.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Thanks Teri, I'm missing blogging and my friends.
I'm so fortunate to have met such nice people, in the past few months.
Things are going really good otherwise.
Hope to check in with you soon!

Geraldine said...

Just stopping in to say hi and send hugs and headbonks from me and the Ched. I hope you find a good place to get your computer up and running again. when we lived in Regina I know there was a good place in a big old house at College and Broad I believe. I also had a computer savvy friend who helped with meltdowns. It is frustrating, I agree I can't imagine life without the internet now, and yet such a short time ago, we didn't even think about it.

Take care Brenda, G

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Thanks, Ger for dropping in. I remember the place you're mentioning, such a great old house. It's still there, but I think it's changed into another kind of business.
My neighbour has recommended someone, and I'm hoping to have it cleaned soon now!
Hugs, and headbonks!

Mr. Cheddar said...

Just stopping in to leave a couple of headbonks for the guys! How are Herbert and Arthur?

My Meowmie says to tell you she is glad your computer is being debugged soon. I of course would have been happy to eat any bugs, if they were of the wiggly persuasion. SNORRTTT...I'm sure the guys will understand that, right H AND A!!!

Headbonks and BFN, The Ched, Celebrity Blogger.

PS: I'm showing up in all my orangey glory, in all sorts of places lately online, you simply must get back to blogging soon Ms. Brenda!!!

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

As always, I feel humbled and honoured that you took time to visit me here. Mr. C, you're just one awesome cat!
Thanks for the visit! Yes H and A have been enjoying catching a few real bugs in the apartment - I've noticed.I guess you have to be a cat to enjoy that pasttime, hey!

Sounds like you've been busy...hmmm, I'll have to get busy and get back I think. :)
Here's a great big hug from me, and headbonks from the 2 guys.